MON - FRI: 8AM - 5PM

Tires and Wheels

quick overview of our tire and wheels Services

Does your car vibrate or shake at highway speeds? Do you have excessive road noise that you didn’t use to have? Is your tread getting low on your tires? If so Central Auto Repair can help you get new tires mounted and balanced at a great price.

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tires and wheels

Mounting and balancing Tires

$ 25 30
  • Includes putting the tires onto the wheels, then installing the wheels onto your vehicle’s axels.

Tire and Wheel Alignment

$ 99 99 and up
  • Includes adjusting the angles of the tires that affects how they make contact with the road.

Choose Service Plan You Want

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We service All Makes and Models

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed 

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