To verify the high-quality of our customer service, RepairPal conducted their own independent survey of our customers from the past 6 months.
All shops receive a Net Promoter Score®, a customer loyalty metric used by companies worldwide. Shops must share data with RepairPal in order to verify customers. RepairPal only uses shop customer’s data in order to verify the authenticity and does not sell or misuse customer data.
RepairPal highlights the car makes our shop services and any makes in which we have specialization.
RepairPal also reviewed the shop’s amenities offered: customer benefits such as transportation assistance, coffee, WiFi options, location, and more. This is to ensure that every aspect of the shop meets or exceeds customer expectations.
Yes. RepairPal Certified shops are monitored continuously for high levels of customer service, fair pricing and ongoing adherence to the standards set forth for employee training and certifications.
Our Automotive Group works to ensure these standards remain high and works directly with shops to retain RepairPal Certification, and in rare cases will remove them from the network if standards are not met.
RepairPal has a staff of ASE Certified Technicians who have owned and worked at auto service companies.
RepairPal’s team has deep experience working for dealerships and independent auto repair shops and are dedicated to setting a new bar for high quality in the industry. RepairPal Master Technicians have won numerous awards for their customer service and expertise.
The Net Promoter Score® (NPS) is a customer loyalty metric used by leading companies worldwide as the standard for measuring customer loyalty. For example, GE, Apple, American Express, Philips, and Verizon all use the NPS metric to determine their customers’ satisfaction.
The idea behind the Net Promoter Score is this: The best way to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction is for your customers to answer one question: ‘How likely is it that you would recommend our company to a friend or colleague?’ Based on responses to that question, an NPS can be determined.
Any NPS higher than “10” is considered good, while any score above 50 is considered great. The average score for most companies is between 5 and 10, while the auto repair industry’s average score is unfortunately negative at –13.
A shop’s NPS is one of the most important factors we use to determine whether or not a shop is qualified to become a RepairPal Certified shop—the average score for shops in the RepairPal network is over 70.
In the automotive repair industry, having ASE certification is a strong symbol of quality. For example, an ASE Master Technician must pass all eight of the ASE automotive certification tests and have the required work experience. To be an ASE Blue Seal Certified Facility, at least 75 percent of the shop’s technicians must be ASE certified in each area of service they provide. Several RepairPal Certified shops are ASE Blue Seal Certified Facilities.
There are many certifications and industry affiliations that illustrate a shop’s commitment to quality and excellence. View our comprehensive list.
We are a full-service auto repair shop in Memphis, TN serving the greater Memphis area. All services are performed by highly qualified mechanics. Whether you drive a passenger car or medium sized truck or SUV, our mechanics strive to ensure that your vehicle will be performing at its best before leaving our repair shop.