MON - FRI: 8AM - 5PM

Computer Diagnostics

Vehicle Computer Diagnostics

quick overview of our Diagnostic Services

Is your check engine light on? Do you have unusual noises coming from under your hood? If so you need to come see us at Central Auto Repair. You may be asking, why pay for diagnostic testing from an auto repair shop? The honest answer is, you get what you pay for. At Central Auto Repair our mechanics use professional state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to to give you the most accurate diagnosis of your problem. We are not an auto repair shop that just throws parts at a problem, our goal is to find out the problem and offer you the most competitive prices for repair in Memphis , TN, and the surrounding areas.

Computer Diagnostics

Starting At


Plus Tax

Includes a comprehensive test and report of any issues discovered.

vehicle computer diagnostics,fix check engine light
vehicle computer diagnostics,fix check engine light

Choose Service Plan You Want

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We service All Makes and Models

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auto repair diagnostics in memphis
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