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MON - FRI: 8AM - 5PM
Check Engine Light Testing

Check Engine Light Testing in Memphis, TN

Reliable Check Engine Light Testing and Diagnostics

Comprehensive Check Engine Light Testing

When the check engine light illuminates, it can cause concern as many people assume it indicates an issue with the engine. However, this is not always the case.

Your onboard computer diagnostic system monitors vehicle operations, and the check engine monitors emissions. These emissions are harmful gasses released into the environment by vehicles. Most manufacturers and states have laws in place to regulate emissions levels. The check engine indicator is often misunderstood – it can tell you if your car or truck is emitting too much pollution, or be something simple like leaving your gas cap off, or serious like an engine misfire.

Flashing Check Engine Light

If your check engine light starts to flash, this is an indication of a potentially serious issue such as a cylinder misfire. This could cause costly and hazardous consequences. Therefore, it is recommended that you take your vehicle in for service if the check engine light start blinking.

Solid Check Engine Light

If the check engine light is solid and not flashing, your vehicle may still be releasing excess emissions due to a problem that should be serviced immediately. Causes for solid check engine lights can vary from a missing gas cap to a major engine issue, both of which could reduce fuel performance and efficiency.

How We Can Help

Plenty of other automotive shops offer a free check engine light diagnostic test. However, those readings do not always paint the full picture. These free scans usually spit out a code that pinpoints the general location of the problem, but doesn’t illuminate what exactly is broken or how to fix it.

If the check engine light turns on and remains illuminated, it indicates a fault in the vehicle’s system. Therefore, it is best to avoid getting a free test as this could result in unneeded part replacements.

Why Choose Central Auto Repair?

Central Auto Repair strives to meet and exceed customer expectations when it comes to car repairs and services. Our commitment includes:

  • Certified Technicians.
  • Complimentary Shuttle Service is available.
  • Free Courtesy Inspection Offered On Every Visit.
  • Free WIFI and Beverages are available.
All Services We Provide

Front OR Rear Brakes Service

$ 349 99
  • This cost includes Rotors, Pads, and Labor (most vehicles)

Front OR Rear Brakes Service

$ 399 99
  • This cost includes Rotors, Pads, and Labor (most vehicles)
central auto repair memphis check engine and warning light diagnostics
check engine light diagnostic tests central auto repair memphis
check engine light central auto repair memphis

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