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MON - FRI: 8AM - 5PM
Batteries, Starters, and Alternators

Batteries, Starters, and Alternators

Overview of Our Automotive Battery, Starter, and Alternator Services in Memphis

You may be curious as to why you have a dead battery despite not forgetting to turn off your lights or electrical system.

Before concluding that your battery is dead, make sure it is properly installed in the vehicle, that all cables and terminals are clean and tightly connected. It is possible there may be life left in the battery if issues arise due to a weak connection. If help is needed in jump-start your car, please refer to the step-by-step guide provided.

Dead or Weakened Battery Warning Signs

Modern car batteries may not always provide ample warning before failure. Previous models often exhibited a gradual degradation of performance before completely failing, however modern models typically operate at full capacity until the battery dies with no warning. While this does result in extended life for modern batteries, users should still be aware of small signs of failure.

Signs that your battery is low include:

  • Electric Functions Diminished (e.g. slow power windows, low headlights).
  • Slow Start-up.
  • Clicking when turning the key.
  • Old Age
  • The Terminals are corroded.

Other Starting Problems

It is important to consider that if a car does not successfully turn over, this could be caused by an issue with the battery, starter or alternator.

Failure of a starter may be due to electrical, mechanical or total breakdown, resulting in difficulty or inability to crank the engine.

The alternator in a vehicle serves two purposes – it acts to recharge the battery when the car is operational, and also assists with operating components such as headlights and windshield wipers. If the alternator is faulty, it can lead to erratic electrical functions or cause the engine to fail to run.

If the alternator is failing instead of the battery, your engine might be able to run briefly but will not stay on due to inadequate charge. Our staff can assist you in determining the root cause of any starting difficulties.

Central Auto Repair in Memphis, TN Can Help

Our automotive technicians possess knowledge on starting problems related to batteries, starters, and alternators. As your automotive care partner, an inspection of your vehicle will aid in determining the exact issue.

We will provide you with the most cost-effective solution once we determine what needs to be repaired. We will keep you updated about the cost, required components, and completion time as we proceed with the repair process.

Service Your Battery, Starter, or Alternator Today!

If you are concerned about the state of your battery, it is recommended that you book an appointment with your local Central Auto Repair to ensure reliable performance. Avoid being stuck relying on other people for battery jumps.

Used Vehicle Inspection

$ 99 99
  • Includes a comprehensive 120 point inspection of the vehicle.

Used Vehicle Inspection

$ 99 99
  • Includes a comprehensive 120 point inspection of the vehicle.

Used Vehicle Inspection

$ 99 99
  • Includes a comprehensive 120 point inspection of the vehicle.
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