Do not accept the discomfort of a car with an AC issue. Turning your AC all the way to maximum and not getting relief from heat signals there is an issue. Don’t put yourself through any more suffering with having to drive with open windows, perspiring from sunshine and dampness. Central Auto Repair are experts in automotive AC repair and can help you resume comfortable road journeys.
There may be several factors contributing to a malfunction or breakdown of an air conditioning system, including but not limited to:
We will inspect your AC system in order to determine if low refrigerant levels are causing diminished quality. We will also identify any additional issues and provide cost-effective solutions.
Adding refrigerant to your AC system without professional assistance or adding too much refrigerant can cause damage to the system.
Central Auto Repair uses current diagnostic technology to identify AC problems and provide accurate repair solutions.
Central Auto Repair can help if your car’s refrigerant levels are low. We will service and repair the AC system, by recharging it, replacing a broken condenser, fixing leaking tubes and changing dirty air filters. Trust us – our experience means we’re confident of finding the right solution for any car and any issue.
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We are a full-service auto repair shop in Memphis, TN serving the greater Memphis area. All services are performed by highly qualified mechanics. Whether you drive a passenger car or medium sized truck or SUV, our mechanics strive to ensure that your vehicle will be performing at its best before leaving our repair shop.